Thursday, August 30, 2012

Your innocent blood has washed my guilty life

Here's the thing. I suck. I'm human and I screw up a lot.

Here's the other thing. A much bigger thing than all my weaknesses combined:

Despite my constant missteps, attempts to run, bitterness, frustration, guilt, shame, worry, fear, and discontent, God still pursues me.

Here's the real thing:

He pursues me to the point that He sent His son, innocent and blameless, to die in my place. To suffer in my place. And He draws me to my knees despite all my brokenness at the foot of the cross and tells me to look up into the eyes of my Savior and be cleansed.

And He doesn't do this once; God does this for me over and over and over.

Grace upon grace upon grace!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oh love that will not let me go!

Lately I feel like my life is a lot like when the house in the wizard of oz gets scooped up-a crazy whirlwind-and I can't figure out how to settle on the ground and feel "home." But among all the crazy emotions, the pain, the tears, there is a love that will not let me go.

I wish I could believe it fully beyond a shadow of a doubt but lately my belief feels a lot like believing in a fairytale-I can't quite see how it all comes together yet.


Oh a glorious "but"-the One who does know how all the pieces will eventually fall into place, the One who is my true home, the One who holds me even when I cannot feel His arms, loves me with a love that will not let go.

To choose one thing to cherish above all others about my Savior is impossible-but right now in the midst of all my fears, pain, failure, confusion, doubt, shame, and sadness, this one truth about Him brings me the most comfort-He loves me with a love that will not let go.